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We all love


Find out more about the Society, our plans and our goals

The Maple Society of Europe

About of us

A bit about of us

Since 1990, Our Society has been increasing the public’s awareness of maples by encouraging discussion, promoting education, and sharing information in a variety of ways. These include an informative quarterly newsletter, expert-led group garden tours, regular online talks by guest speakers, and a triennial symposium that brings together members from all corners of the globe.

The Maple Society of Europe is a not-for-profit organization that accepts members from Europe and beyond and that aims to become an international community of maple enthusiasts, encompassing experts and amateurs alike, all sharing our passion, knowledge, and best practices. No matter where our members are located—the United Kingdom, Europe, , North or South America, etc.—we are united by our love of maples, and what they bring to our landscape and gardens. Our common language is English but we will promote sharing our common passion in other languages, we are a truly multilingual Society.

A bit of our history

The Maple Society is dedicated to furthering the knowledge, supporting the conservation, and promoting the culture of all species within the genus Acer.

Founded in the United Kingdom in the 1990s, As membership grew,  the original Maple Society has evolved into different, autonomous, branches (The Maple Society of North America (TMSNA), The Maple Society of Britain and Ireland (TMSBI) and now The Maple Society of Europe (TMSE).

Our Mission

Our Mission

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Our Goals

Our Goals

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Our History

Our History

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The Maple Society of Europe



Interested in becoming a member? The Maple Society of Europe invites you to join us, and find out more about these fascinating trees that offer variety in every month of the year. All levels of enthusiasts are welcome!

Then Enjoy, Learn, Share and Discover with the multiples benefits of our membership:

– Access to the Society’s newsletter.
 – Regular events including symposia, meetings and more.
– Connect with other Maple enthusiasts throughout Europe and visit their gardens if they are “Gardens Open to Members” list.
– Participate in the seed exchange Program.
– Contribute and consult our cultivar database.


Join The Maple Society of Europe to enjoy the great benefits and opportunities our society offers! and meet others who share a similar passion and admiration of all things Acer!

Membership is open to any individual, organization, professional grower or retailer, collector, enthusiast or researcher with an interest in the purposes of the Maple Society of Europe.

The Maple Society of Europe offers two levels of membership to the members



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Any Questions?

Whether you’re curious about our society or maple trees, you can access the FAQ. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, feel free to contact us! We’re here to answer any questions.

Join The Maple Society of Europe

Are you passionate about trees and gardening?
Would you enjoy learning more about the remarkable maple, gaining access to a wealth of member benefits, all while getting to know others who share the same enthusiasm? 

The Maple Society of Europe

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