A bit about of us
Since 1990, Our Society has been increasing the public’s awareness of maples by encouraging discussion, promoting education, and sharing information in a variety of ways. These include an informative quarterly newsletter, expert-led group garden tours, regular online talks by guest speakers, and a triennial symposium that brings together members from all corners of the globe.
The Maple Society of Europe is a not-for-profit organization that accepts members from Europe and beyond and that aims to become an international community of maple enthusiasts, encompassing experts and amateurs alike, all sharing our passion, knowledge, and best practices. No matter where our members are located—the United Kingdom, Europe, , North or South America, etc.—we are united by our love of maples, and what they bring to our landscape and gardens. Our common language is English but we will promote sharing our common passion in other languages, we are a truly multilingual Society.